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Key points to remember for a successful emailing campaign
05 Feb

Key points to remember for a successful emailing campaign

Difficult to navigate the jungle of "to do" and "don'ts" during an emailing campaign
Whether it's your first or your hundredth emailing campaign, you ask yourself questions, analyze, scrutinize, and search for the best solutions to optimize your returns.

Here are the key points to remember for a successful emailing campaign : 

1-The title:

- The opening rate: 
Will my users rush to open my marketing email 
To optimize the opening rate of an emailing campaign (the percentage of users who will open your email marketing to read it), 
we must keep in mind a CRUCIAL point: the title of your message (also called Object) 
It is he who will make the difference. This is the first impression you will give, it is not to be missed. 
Because the title is the only text that appears in the inbox of the receiver, even before he opened it. 
It is in this sense that it is essential and constitutes the central point of access for your email marketing
If the title of your email marketing is not convincing, then few people will tend to open it; 
on the other hand, if it is attractive and catchy, many people will be tempted to open it to know the contents of your email marketing Two points to keep in mind for a good campaign emailing :

  • Be original:
    Be creative, find the catch that will appeal to your consumers, which will make them want to go further. 
    This is the first page of a magazine on the shelves, it is the packaging of your product! Be careful, do not be skeptical about the content of the message. 
    Do not promise anything you will not hold in the heart of your email marketing message, it's all about bringing the user to your site or store, not deceiving him. 
    Customers are expensive, we want to keep them as long as possible.
  • Be clear and concise:The clearer and shorter your title, the more users will want to know more, this is the suspense effect. 
    Beware, more and more users have anti-spam filters (automatic filters that send polluting messages to the trash). To avoid being considered a pollutant, it is forbidden: 
    English terms, ultra-commercial terms, superlatives, exclamation point abuse, and capital letters.

2 - The promise:

It is the essence of your emailing campaign
What do you want to say to your consumers and for what purpose do you address this message to them? A promotion, a discount, an information?

Whatever the purpose of your emailing campaign , the promise must be the first thing to highlight in your creation, both in the title and in the body of the message. 
Surf the events, from Christmas to Valentine's Day, the launch of a new product on your birthday, 
find the opportunity and the action that best fits your communication action. Keep in mind the notion of urgency, immediate consumption.

An emailing campaign is an instant media, and users must click right away or they will never click. 

3 - Practical information: 
Do not forget the little details that make all the difference: the logo, the url of your site, your postal address, your telephone number, your email address, etc. 
All the means to reach you that will reassure the user about your real existence, which will simplify his life if he needs to join you and will turn into visits to your site or your point of sale. 

4 - Redirect links: 
It's mechanical, the more your email marketing contains links, the more users click. ! 
Make all content clickable: images, text, logo. 
It is essential that your email marketing has at least 6 links and more than 10 would be even better. 

5 - The readability: 
There is nothing worse than receiving a draft email marketing . 
Organize your information, structure it to make each offer or block as clear as possible. 
Each piece of information should answer the following questions: What? How? When? To do what ? 

6 - The target: 
Be careful with your consumers, depending on who you're talking to, use the right template for your emailing campaign .

Customize your email marketing to give the impression of sending a specific message to each customer. 
Organize your files and send the right message to every population.

7 - The content:

  • Airy:
    No need to drown them under tons of information, no one reads all the texts, as for a newspaper; 
    a short title, a text for each paragraph.
  • Direct:
    It is not a question of making a contest of the best written text but of seducing your consumers. 
    For that, it is important that you use simple, clear words and above all ban the language of specialist that you will keep for your internal discussions, 
    your customers do not speak the same language as you, he speaks the customer!
  • Active:
    Choose an action language: go, click, ... the negations are negative, be positive, be convincing. 
    Have yourself re-read, use spell checkers, be alert.

8 - The form: 
She is at the service of the bottom obviously but must not be neglected. 
A nice email marketing is often more convincing. Harmonious colors, adapted images, do not abuse typography, colors or images, prefer 
simplicity and consistency with your image. Your message must be harmonious and give the desire to be read. 10 - When? 
I am often asked the question of when? The answer is very clear: it depends! 
There are no established rules. Two answers: 
The "When in the year?": At pivotal moments: to boost prospects to periods a little hollow, 1 month before the periods of strong purchases, to attract new customers or retain old.

- What day? It depends on your activity. The answer is very pragmatic: send the day before or the customers are the most demanding. If your customers mostly consume your products on Saturdays, send your message on Friday.

You just have to do your email marketing by following these recommendations. Your emailing campaign just has to be sent. And never forget that email marketing is the Internet communication medium that generates the most returns from customers.